
2018年5月20日 星期日

Weekend Opinion

Editorials, Commentary, Reader Reaction and a touch of Steve Breen delivered every Sunday.

San Diego

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May 20, 2018


Weekend Opinion




Bill Gore for San Diego County sheriff

San Diego County Sheriff Bill Gore's record could be better, but challenger Dave Myers hasn't made the case that Gore is resistant to change and criticism.

Gov. Brown to pension-hammered cities: You're on your own

Cities need help with their pension nightmares, not a dismissive shrug.

Steve Breen cartoon 5/20/18

San Diego State University Aztec mascot cartoon Steve Breen



Trump's sanctuary city meeting predicated on lies

County Supervisor Kristin Gaspar and Escondido Mayor Sam Abed should be ashamed of themselves.

Massacre in Israel a sign of more and worse to come

Israel has been emboldened by Trump's acquiescing to Israel by giving in to its demands such as this move of the embassy to Jerusalem



California's end of life law helped our families. It should be restored.

California's End of Life Option Act has brought about an open and honest dialogue about all end-of-life care options, including hospice and palliative care, not just medical aid in dying. A recent court ruling will change that.

How new college funding plan benefits California students

Gov. Jerry Brown's budget plan would increase resources for California community colleges that serve large numbers of underrepresented and low-income students and reward colleges that are improving student outcomes.



Is it 'Yanny' or 'Laurel'? 3 explanations to the mystery of the audio clip going viral

Some people are comparing this debate to the infamous "dress" debate of 2015.

Surfing could soon be the official state sport of California. Should it be?

California's Assembly voted to approve surfing as the official state sport. Do you agree with them?

Will legal sports gambling warp America? The elites may hope so

Why elites want public vices that are affordable, accessible and have lost their stigma.

