
2018年4月23日 星期一

Watchdog Week: San Diego is paying almost $18,000 a day to rent a vacant building

Investigative reporting and data journalism from San Diego County and beyond, every Monday morning. (7 a.m.)

San Diego

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April 22, 2018


Watchdog Week

San Diego is paying almost $18,000 a day to rent a vacant building

Sunday, Apr 22

What started as an effort to consolidate San Diego city workers in new downtown office space has devolved into a long-term vacancy that is costing taxpayers $535,000 in monthly rent for a building that is likely to remain empty for months to come.

Sheriff's captain donated to Gore campaign after avoiding criminal charges for illegal gun sales

Months after he was investigated for illegal gun sales -- a case that concluded with a written reprimand rather than criminal charges -- sheriff's Capt. Marco Garmo donated to his boss's re-election campaign.

High-speed rail project vastly underestimated cost of relocating utility lines beneath Fresno

The ground beneath Fresno has held awful surprises for the California bullet train authority, which has disclosed that utility relocations along a 29-mile section of railway went from an original estimate of $69 million in 2013 to $396 million.

Rep. Duncan Hunter unhands $1,000 from Tennessee vaping company

The campaign for Rep. Duncan Hunter, R-Alpine, raised more money than it spent in the first three months of the year, a change from recent filing periods in which spending — particularly on legal fees amid an ongoing criminal probe into his political expenditures -- has outpaced contributions.

EPA chief Scott Pruitt broke law with $43,000 phone booth, investigators find

The embattled chief of the Environmental Protection Agency broke federal law when he spent more than $43,000 of agency funds to install a soundproof telephone booth in his office, federal investigators have found.

County assessor invested in companies that own and manage properties under his jurisdiction

Three months after being sworn in as the official in charge of setting property taxes across San Diego County, Ernest Dronenburg bought up to $100,000 worth of stock in the financial-services firm BGC Partners.

DA fights judge's order to hand over info on how new DNA test works

A powerful computer program used by crime labs to interpret DNA evidence is as the center of a legal battle between a defense lawyer, prosecutors and the private company that developed the program.

Blow the whistle: Send tips to the Watchdog team

Send tips to investigative reporters on the Watchdog team of The San Diego Union-Tribune by calling 858-224-2275 or fill out this web form.

