
2018年3月4日 星期日

Weekend Opinion

Editorials, Commentary, Reader Reaction and a touch of Steve Breen delivered every Sunday.

San Diego

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March 4, 2018


Weekend Opinion




Silicon Valley headaches a warning for San Diego

The housing crisis doesn't just impoverish families. It hurts the economy by making many jobs difficult to fill.

State must improve preparations for brutal wildfires

Gov. Jerry Brown and state lawmakers need to heed pleas to improve fire equipment, training and funding to head off future death and destruction.

Steve Breen 



San Diego does not need visit from Trump

We cannot afford the security costs of a photo-op at border wall prototypes.

SDSU extended studies course on Trump impeachment was ill-conceived

Having a course about presidential impeachment, removal or conviction with President Trump's name in the title was ill-advised.



Broadcom's takeover of Qualcomm would be a disaster for national security, San Diego

If Broadcom acquires Qualcomm, the hostile takeover would make Broadcom the third-largest chipmaker in the world, giving it control over a major portion of the supply chain, which is critical to vital communications components.

What Qualcomm means to San Diego 

Qualcomm is San Diego's largest publicly traded company, employing nearly 13,000 locally. As a global company, it has offices on nearly every continent, yet its headquarters has remained in San Diego. 



California's winter storm is bringing plenty of snow and rain to the state

A winter storm in California dumped snow in the northern part of the state before bringing rain and flood warnings to central and southern regions.

Californians hit back at Fox News: 'Failed state'? 'Post-apocalyptic wasteland'? Please.

In a story, Fox News called California a failed state, citing a report that ranked the state last in terms of quality of life.

Steve Breen's cartoon caption contest for March 1, 2018

Did your caption make this week's list?

