
2017年12月18日 星期一

Social Media Can't Stop the Weaponization of Bad Faith

Your daily rundown of what's happening online, from trending memes and viral videos to tech-product picks and Silicon Valley news.
December 18, 2017
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What to Read Today
Social Media Can't Stop the Weaponization of Bad Faith

Social media is built on a reputation economy of likes and retweets that's all too easily weaponized. So why not just get rid of it?

HQ Founder Accused of 'Creepy' Behavior Toward Women


White Nationalists and Other Extremists Are Disappearing From Twitter

Bye-bye, Nazis.

The Internet Can Save Itself From Ajit Pai. Just Not Here.

Ajit Pai may be right that ending net neutrality will increase competition. Just not the competition he wants.

These Are the Memes You Fools Googled the Most in 2017

Only in 2017 could a man being violently dragged from a plane make this list.

Facebook Thinks Social Media Is Bad If You Do It Wrong

For the first time, people employed by Facebook have admitted that perhaps using social media does make some people feel awful.

Baauer Is 'Taking Action' Against FCC Chairman for His Absolutely Awful Harlem Shake Video

FCC chairman Ajit Pai used Harlem Shake in an anti-net-neutrality video earlier this week.

Chinese 'Rooftopper' Plunges 62 Stories to His Death During Stunt Gone Wrong

Wu Yongning was reportedly attempting the stunt to win $15,000.

Someone Covered This Robot Security Guard in Barbecue Sauce and Bullied It Into Submission

It was also covered in a tarp!

Samsung's Smart Speaker Is Coming in 2018 — But How Smart Will It Be?

Samsung still has a ways to go to make it's artificial intelligence feel intelligent.


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