
2019年2月3日 星期日

Weekend Opinion

Editorials, Commentary, Reader Reaction and a touch of Steve Breen delivered every Sunday.

San Diego

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February 1, 2019


Weekend Opinion





Dear Mr. President, forget the wall for now. Focus on Border Patrol, ICE staffing.

All the focus on a U.S.-Mexico border wall has prevented nuanced, necessary debates about border security and immigration reform, such as on staffing levels of the Border Patrol and the Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency.

Shame on the San Diego Unified school board

Making those who want to address a board meeting wait hours isn't remotely fair to the public.

Steve Breen 

Polar Vortex  



Why is Trump bent on undermining his own national security experts?

I "naively" thought that the Republican Senate cared about issues like national security.

Far-left strategy could halt Democratic Party's momentum

The Soviet Union spent 70 oppressive years trying to make socialism work until the inevitable collapse occurred.



Why your kids can benefit from youth football

Youth football programs teach lifelong lessons such as teamwork, leadership and responsibility. The social, emotional, mental and physical benefits of youth football outweigh any potential minimal risk of injury during play.

Why you shouldn't let your child play football

Youth tackle football is a collision "game" that can result in brain injury, trauma or death. Football is too risky for young brains



Elephant seals are running wild in California, apparently

Elephant seals are now in pupping season across the Northern half of California and the government shutdown allowed them to take over and have some fun.

No, California is not 'turning into Venezuela' as Diamond and Silk video says

Internet personalities "Diamond" and "Silk" share old video of an Orange County homeless encampment, and falsely label it with the caption, "California is turning into Venezuela."

Steve Breen's cartoon caption contest for Jan. 31, 2019

Did your caption catch our judges' eyes?