
2018年1月8日 星期一

Watchdog Week: San Diego paid out almost $278,000 for security for Trump's border wall build

Investigative reporting and data journalism from San Diego County and beyond, every Monday morning. (7 a.m.)

San Diego

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January 7, 2018


Watchdog Week

San Diego paid out almost $278,000 for security for Trump's border wall build

Saturday, Jan 6

San Diego shelled out $278,000 in overtime pay, supplies and services for city police tasked with patrolling the area where workers from six companies labored to build the prototypes for President Donald Trump's hoped-for border wall last fall.

Top Democrat seeks answers on $297 million recruiting contract for Trump's immigration crackdown

The top Democrat on the U.S. Senate committee that oversees the Customs and Border Protection is raising concerns over a nearly $300 million contract the agency recently inked with a private company to help it hire thousands of new agents and officers.

County banned 'implements of riot' near Trump's border wall prototypes

List of banned items includes guns, knives, ice picks, baseball bats, slingshots, bear spray, chains and hose lengths.

Four say labor leader should step down amid allegations of sexual misconduct

Early results from a survey of Democrats show that support for labor leader Mickey Kasparian is mixed as he fights against allegations of sexual misconduct.

Sex harassment claims in city quadrupled in 2017 from year before

Complaints of sexual harassment by San Diego city workers rose noticeably in 2017 from previous years, nearly quadrupling from the year before.

San Diego Chinese museum loses control of its website to Chinese search engine

The San Diego Chinese Historical Museum website has been taken over by a Chinese search engines that also provides a host of other web services such as transactions, research, video and artificial intelligence.

Judge dismisses El Cajon councilman's countersuit against pageant contestants

The cross-complaint Ben Kalasho filed in August against two participants in his for-profit beauty pageant and a business owner who refused to allow a Kalasho campaign sign in his restaurant was dismissed.

San Diego airport vendor used about $44,000 of city water without paying, auditor says

The unnamed vendor's contract did not require it to pay for the water, and it had been taking it from hydrants without using a meter for about 10 years at the direction of city staff, auditors found.